Price: 146.32 - 124.37
Kids Pedal Go Kart With EVA Solid Wheels, 4-Wheeled Kids Pedal Go Kart
Type: pedal go karts
Color: red, black
Seat: adjustable
Wheel: solid wheels
Suitable Season: four seasons
Load Bearing: 60kg
Go Kart Size: 89cm*56cm*53cm
This pedaling go-cart gives your child control over their own speed and is a fantastic way to keep them active and moving
Our Go-kart offers effortless operation with no gears or batteries that require charging which perfectly avoid much issue from battery, wire connection, etc. Your kids could ride it by themselves and they can have an exercise in the meantime to keep healthy.
Big seat is a great support for your kids to lean on when they are exhausted and want to have a better rest.
Solid wheels are durable enough, suit for all kinds of roads
Stable steel frame, can load 60KG
Step on the pedal and then the go kart can go forwards
Seat can be adjusted to fits your kids body
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